Criminal/Juvenile Justice
Cognitive Control in Children of SUD Parents: A Longitudinal Multimodal MRI Study
Therefore, this Stress and COVID-19 (S&C) Study is designed to understand how COVID-19 is affecting substance use (SU) and mental health (MH) across different racial/ethnic communities.
Leveraging Community Health Workers to Improve SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Mitigation Among Criminal Justice-involved Individuals Accessing a Corrections-focused Community-based Organization
The goal of this study is to test the impact and cost-effectiveness of an intervention to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission among justice-involved individuals recently released from incarceration.
Unequal Parenthoods: Population Perspectives on Gender, Race and Sexual Minority Disparities in Family Stress and Health During Crises
This project aims to identify mechanisms underlying gender, racial and ethnic minority, and sexual minority disparities in parenting stress and parental well-being during COVID and this period of intense racial trauma.
Facilitating Sustainment Through Implementation Feedback: The SIC Coaching Model
The overarching goal of the parent grant is to test the impact of an empirically derived implementation strategy—under real-world conditions and across youth public service systems—on successful adoption and sustainment of evidence-based substance use programs.
Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Women with Experience in the Criminal Probation System
This administrative supplement will examine the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and related local public health mandates in a population of women heavily affected by health disparities.